My son Jack turned 1 on January 24th so of course, we had a huge party for him. The theme was "Where the Wild Things Are" (the book).
Here's the front of the invitation I designed -

The book takes place in a jungle and the main character, Max, wears a wolf costume and a crown. So I decorated the front table with the book, little stuffed characters from the book, vine-like streamers, monster masks for the kids, and crowns for all the guests to wear. On a separate table, I had a "decorate-a-crown" station and a Where the Wild Things Are coloring book and view finder.

What I tried to do was make the room look like a jungle/forest. So I used brown table covers, green streamers, and green balloons (to make it look like trees). I'm not sure if anybody caught on, but I was happy with it. I also printed out some quotes from the book and taped them on the walls.

Little play area for the kids -

The cake and cupcakes -

Awesome little cut & fold decorations that I found online -

And the guest of honor arrives! He is wearing a wolf costume, just like Max from the book wore!

Reading a book -

Jack's best girlfriend, Sammy, wearing her crown.

Cake time!

Kids wearing the masks -

Mike and I with the birthday boy -

The birthday party was a huge success. We had about 50 guests. Just enough kids. Jack had the greatest time and I think everyone else did too. I had SO MUCH FUN planning and decorating this party for him. Even though he won't remember it, at least we will have pictures and videos to show him!