Excuse the ugly yellowish tint to these photos. It is hard being the party organizer AND the photographer. I didn't feel like hauling my flash around on top of my camera when I was already running around the room, chasing Jack and other kids. So I had to just use the light in the room.. and it's not that pretty..
He started loving Elmo a few months ago, so we got him an Elmo cake.
Before the party started, he had this MEAN look on his face - I do not know why! He was just glaring at everybody. And then he snapped out of it a few seconds later. He's so silly. I can just picture him thinking, "Ugh.. another birthday? Really?"
This is Sammy.. she is 3 and one of Jack's very good friends.
This is Finley. She is the daughter of our good friends Matt and Lindsay.
This is Isaac, Jack's best guy pal. He is the son of my good friend Natalie.
This is Madison. She is almost 3 and the daughter of my good friend Meghan.
Jack swinging like a monkey from the rings..
Jack loves the parachute..
He kept pointing to the parachute and saying "Umbrella umbrella!" But really it sounds like, "Umbrewwa."
Cake time!
Happy birthday to my sweet little boy, the best thing in my life.
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