Today I decided to refresh my memory a bit by practicing some backlighting and lens flare techniques. Jack, of course, was the model. He is stuck being my model until I get sick of the camera.. which I don't see happening. How could I ever stop photographing that beautiful face?
The beginning of the day was a hustle and bustle of women and little girls getting ready.
A common face by Mallory -
Onto the church for pre-ceremony pictures, Mallory had to be hidden from Eric the whole time. They've been together for a long time, and wanted their first look to be at the aisle.
And onto the ceremony..
Reception time! Lots of fun, pretty decorations, tons of dancing!
A few weeks ago little Logan celebrated his 1st birthday. His mom, Casey, is my cousin and I was very happy she asked me to do these pictures for them! Logan is such an adorable little guy, he's got big round cheeks just like my Jack. The party was Sesame Street themed, with bright colors and almost all attendees wore a Sesame Street shirt. And the most awesome cake!
He had no problem digging into the cake.
4 little boys, 0 shirts
And I'll end this post with an adorable picture of Logan with his great grandma & grandpa.