Brittney & Dan got married on a beautiful day at the end of April. So in love, so excited for this day to have finally arrived. They are both very sweet people and made me feel very comfortable all day. Also - I barely had to direct them for photo poses. They are so affectionate, they stayed close to each other all day and made my job very easy. I get lucky when it comes to brides & grooms! They are always great.
In the limo, just so sweet..
First stop, some pictures around Busch Stadium..
The flying veil!
Next shot - inspired by the movie poster for Bridesmaids.. although THESE bridesmaids look much happier than the ones in the movie -
Guys being girly..
Next stop - Laclede's Landing..
I was so worried it was going to rain. I was just waiting for it to start pouring. And then all the sudden, the sun started to shine, it was beautiful on this one street in particular..
Next stop - Tower Grove Park & reception!
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