And Danny is an awesome father..
And their 2 boys are just the best! Seriously, two of the most fun, most well behaved kids I've ever hung out with!
Nicol is my cousin and my Jack just adores playing with Travis and Chase. Travis is 4 and Chase is 2, so naturally, Jack bonds a little more with Travis. But Chase is pretty mature for 2, so Jack is getting more and more drawn to him. It will be fun to watch all four of our boys play together once my Nico gets a little older.
Nicol and I have had a couple discussions on what exactly is the "title" of our kids' relationship to one another. Second cousins? Third cousins? Just cousins? Second cousins twice removed to the third power? Ha, we can't figure it out. But I guess it doesn't really matter.
Anyhow, enjoy some of the photos from their family session, which I was thrilled to do for the second time. And I have to give huge props to Travis, who was dealing with terrible allergies that day. He made it through and I did not hear him complain once. Just sneeze a lot. :)
Travis is definitely more of the serious one and Chase is more "go with the flow" type of kid. Despite their personality differences, they are so close and the best of friends.
For Travis and Chase's joint birthday party this year, they had a superhero theme, so I definitely wanted to incorporate their adorable capes into the shoot. And bubbles, of course, because what kid doesn't love bubbles?
They are serious about their superheros..
Love you guys!
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